报告题目:Writing Scientific Research Papers in English(科技论文英语写作)
报 告 人:易北方(美国塞勒姆州立大学)
报告时间:2015年5月22日(星期五) 上午9:00
The presenter would introduce and discuss two methodologies in writing and publishing scientific research papers and technical reports: broad-to-narrow and narrow-to-broad approaches. The application of broad-to-narrow method focuses on the underlying logic of scientific research articles in English, a strategy for turning a set of experiment results into a paper, and the specific English language features commonly used in each section of published articles. The practice of narrow-to-broad approach begins with the most fundamental unit of a paper—the sentences and complex sentences, moves on to paragraphs concentrating on a single point of view, and finally gets to the big picture—how to organize a more in-depth and multi-paragraph argument—the very essential part of a scientific research paper. A significant number of examples will be used to enhance the understanding and application of these writing principles, techniques, and skills in the preparation for publishing research papers in English.
Speaker’s Short Bio:
Dr. Beifang Yi is an Assistant Professor of Department of Computer Science, Salem State Univeristy. Before joining the university, Dr. Yi was teaching and doing research in the State University of New York (SUNY, Fredonia) from 2006 to 2008 as a visiting assistant professor, in the University of Nevada, Reno (UNR), from 2001 to 2005 as a teaching assistant, and in The University of Memphis in 2000. Dr. Yi is serving as the Committee Chair of Computer Science Search, the advisor of SSU Programming Club, a reviewer of the Journal CISE, a member of the Computer Science Curriculum Committee.
Dr. Yi researches on fields of HCI (human-computer interactions), computer graphics, UI (user interface) design, software engineering, visualization, programming, computer vision and image processing, genetic algorithms. Dr. Yi was awarded Instructional Incentive Award ($750.00) for developing a new multimedia course for both CS and non-CS majors in 2007 and $16,110.00 (Co-PI) NSF EPSCOR Development Support Grant for developing an interdisciplinary course, Scientific Visualization, at the undergraduate and graduate levels in 2005. Dr. Yi won the ISCA/CATA 2006 (only one) Best Paper Award and EISTA 2004 Best Paper Award in the session Simulation in Training and Education. Currently, Dr. Yi has published 9 papers and given 3 presentations and 3 technique reports in his university.