报告题目:Mechanical characterization of materials at nanoscale(纳米尺度下材料的机械特性)
报告人: Enrique Samano教授(墨西哥国立自治大学)
It has become important the mechanical characterization of small volumes of solids as the focus in materials science shifts towards designing devices at the submicron scale; for instance the development of microelectromechanicaland nanoelectromechanical systems. The development of ultrasensitive transducers of precise geometry for sensing force and depth have made such measurements possible. There are commercial instruments, like the TriboScope ©, which are adaptable and easy to install onto widely apparatus, like NanoScope SPM© . These instuments have the capability to take nanoindentation measurements with in situ imaging. As an application of this technique, hardness and reduced elastic modulus of hard coatings and human teeth are presented.
Speaker’s Short Bio:
Enrique C. Samano earned hisPhD degree in Physics fromStevens Institute of Technologyin Hoboken, NJ, USA, in1992. He is a ResearchProfessor at Centro deNanocienciasy Nanotecnología(CNyN) of the National University of México (UNAM) in Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico, working on surface science and, lately on DNA Nanotechnology. Ha is involvedon the fabrication of nanostructuresbased on DNA with applications in electronics andplasmonics. He has been a vising professor at University of Southern California and Duke University. Ha has published around 35 articles in international indexed journals and 3 chapters in books.