报告题目:Trusted fault tolerance clouding computing
报 告 人:熊乃学教授(美国科罗拉多理工大学)
邀 请 方:“多谱信息处理技术”国家级重点实验室
Cloud computing is an increasingly important solution for providing services deployed in dynamically scalable cloud networks. Services in the cloud computing networks may be virtualized with specic servers which host abstracted details. Some of the servers are active and available, while others are busy or heavy loaded, and the remaining are ofine for various reasons Users would expect the right and available servers to complete their application requirements. Therefore, in order to provide an effective control scheme with parameter guidance for cloud resource services, failure detection is essential to meet users service expectations. It can resolve possible performance bottlenecks in providing the virtual service for the cloud computing networks. Most existing Failure Detector (FD) schemes do not automatically adjust their detection service parameters for the dynamic network conditions, thus they couldn be used for actual application.
Speaker’s Short Bio:
Neal N. Xiong is current a Professor at School of Computer Science, Colorado Technical University, Colorado Spring, CO, USA. He received his both PhD degrees in Wuhan University (about software engineering), and Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (about dependable networks), respectively. Before he attends Colorado Technical University, he worked in Wentworth Technology Institution, Georgia State University for many years. His research interests include Cloud Computing, Security and Dependability, Parallel and Distributed Computing, Networks, and Optimization Theory.
Dr./Prof. Xiong published over 100 international journal papers and over 100 international conference papers. Some of his works were published in IEEE JSAC, IEEE or ACM transactions, ACM Sigcomm workshop, IEEE INFOCOM, ICDCS, and IPDPS. He has been a General Chair, Program Chair, Publicity Chair, PC member and OC member of over 100 international conferences, and as a reviewer of about 100 international journals, including IEEE JSAC, IEEE SMC (Park: A/B/C), IEEE Transactions on Communications, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, IEEE Trans. on Parallel and Distributed Systems. He is serving as an Editor-in-Chief, Associate editor or Editor member for over 10 international journals (including Associate Editor for “IEEE Tran. on Systems, Man & Cybernetics: systems” and “Information Science”; and Editor-in-Chief for Journal of Parallel & Cloud Computing (PCC) and International Journal of Security and Its Applications (IJSIA)), and a guest editor for over 10 international journals, including Sensor Journal, WINET and MONET. He has received the Best Paper Award in the 10th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC-08) and the Best student Paper Award in the 28th North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society Annual Conference (NAFIPS2009).