报告题目:Engineering nanocomposites for aerospace applications
报 告 人:彭华新 教授
邀 请 方:“多谱信息处理技术”国家级重点实验室
Carbon fiber composites (CFCs) have been increasingly used in the design and manufacturing of modern aircrafts components that are subjected to direct effects of icing and lightning as well as operating conditions that may contain large amount of sand particles, heavy rain and sharp objects [1]. Work in has focused on the development of multifunctional nanocomposites and their coatings employing carbon nanotubes (CNT), alumina and diamond nanoparticles with improved mechanical, electrical and thermal conductivity as well as erosion resistance with target applications such as anti-icing, de-icing, lightning strike and erosion protection of CFC composite components. Efforts are devoted to develop viable routes to application for such nanomaterials such as spray coatings. The work is ably supported by aerospace industries.
[1] Peng, H-X. 'Polyurethane Nanocomposite coatings for Aeronautical Applications', in Multifunctional Polymer Nanocomposites, (pp. 337-388), Taylor & Francis Inc, 2011. ISBN: 9781439816820
彭华新, 男,1968年8月出生,国家‘计划’特聘专家,浙江大学功能复合材料与研究所所长,英国布里斯托(Bristol)大学客座教授。1990年毕业于浙江大学材料科学与工程学系,1993年和1996年分别获得哈尔滨工业大学工程与材料科学硕士和博士学位,专攻复合材料。 曾先后在英国布鲁内尔大学 (1998-2000),牛津大学(2001-2002)做博士后研究。于2002年10月起在布里斯托大学航空航天工程系任讲师,随后晋升为永久职位高级讲师/准教授/正教授,兼任英国布里斯托大学纳米科学与量子信息(Nanoscience and Quantum Information)中心常务副主任。 在先进复合材料创新与科学中心 (Advanced Composites Centre for Innovation and Scicence, ACCIS),劳斯莱斯复合材料大学技术中心 (Rolls-Royce University Technology Centre in Composites),复合材料博士培训中心 (Centre for Doctoral Training in Composites) 及英国国家复合材料中心 (National Composites Centre,NCC) 从事复合材料研究,专注于研究复合材料制备-组织结构-性能的关系,涉及纳米、微米及介观尺度,开辟了航空航天纳米复合材料涂层,新型多功能复合材料及超复合材料等多个研究方向。在相关领域国际期刊上发表审阅论文120余篇,包括三篇发表在Progress in Materials Science上的大型综述论文。