报告题目:Brain-Inspired Computing: The Extraordinary Voyages in Known and Unknown Worlds
报告人:Dr. Yiran Chen (University of Pittsburgh, USA)
邀 请 方:“多谱信息处理技术”国家级重点实验室
Human brain is the most sophisticated organ that nature ever builds. Building a machine that can function like a human brain, indubitably, is the ultimate dream of a computer architect. Although we have not yet fully understood the working mechanism of human brains, the part that we have learned in past seventy years already guided us to many remarkable successes in computing applications, e.g., artificial neural network and machine learning. The recently emerged research on “neuromorphic computing”, which stands for hardware acceleration of brain-inspired computing, has become one of the most active areas in computer engineering. Our presentation starts with a background introduction of neuromorphic computing, followed by two examples of hardware acceleration schemes of learning and neural network algorithms on IBM TrueNorth Chip and memristor-based computing engine, respectively. At the end, we will share our prospects on the future technology challenges and advances of neuromorphic computing.

Dr. Yiran Chen received B.S and M.S. (both with honor) from Tsinghua University and Ph.D. from Purdue University in 2005. After five years in industry, he joined University of Pittsburgh in 2010 as Assistant Professor and then promoted to Associate Professor in 2014. He is now holding Bicentennial Alumni Faculty Fellow and co-directing Evolutionary Intelligence Lab (www.ei-lab.org) at Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, focusing on the research of nonvolatile memory and storage systems, neuromorphic computing, and mobile computing. Dr. Chen has published one book, a dozen of book chapters, and more than 240 journal and conference papers. He has been granted with 90 US and international patents with other 13 pending applications. He is the associate editor of IEEE TCAD, IEEE D&T, IEEE ESL, ACM JETC, ACM SIGDA E-newsletter and served on the technical and organization committees of 40+ international conferences. He received 3 best paper awards from ISQED’08, ISLPED’10 and GLSVLS’13 and other 10 nominations from DAC, DATE, ASPDAC, etc. He also received NSF CAREER award in 2013, ACM SIGDA outstanding newfaculty award in 2014, and was the invitee of 2013 U.S. Frontiers of Engineering Symposium of National Academy of Engineering.
陈怡然博士于清华大学获得本科及硕士学位,并于2005年获得普度大学博士学位。在工业界工作5年后,他于2010年加入匹兹堡大学担任助理教授并于2014年晋升为终身副教授。他现荣任电子与计算机工程系两百年校友讲席并联合指导进化智能实验室,专注于非易失性存储系统、类脑计算、以及移动计算。陈博士发表过一本专著、十数篇图书章节,以及超过240篇杂志与会议论文。他已被授予90个美国专利并有13个在审专利申请。他是五本IEEE和ACM杂志副主编并曾经或正在担任超过40个国际会议的技术及组织委员会委员及其他职务。他曾荣获三次国际会议最佳论文奖并获十数次最佳论文提名。他是2013年度美国自然科学基金会教授早期职业发展奖(CAREER),2014年度ACM SIGDA优秀新教师奖,并受邀参加2013年度美国工程院工程前沿讨论会。