报告题目:Dimensionality Reduction with Controlled Redundancy Using Neural and Neuro-fuzzy Framework
报 告 人:Nikhil R. Pal教授(Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta, India)
Abstract: Successful design of any “intelligent system” demands use of an appropriate set of features. Ideally a useful set of features should select necessary features, discard derogatory features and indifferent features, and it should have a controlled level of redundancy. Complete elimination of redundancy is not desirable as then the system may not be able to tolerate any measurement error. The feature selection problem can be generalized to sensor selection where a sensor is responsible for a set of features. In this talk, first we shall discuss how neural networks can be effectively used for structure-preserving dimensionality reduction. This approach does not use class labels and since it preserves the “inherent structure” in the high dimensional data, it is quite effective for most applications, in particular, for data visualization. This will be followed by how neural networks and neuro-fuzzy systems can be adapted to select useful features discarding derogatory and indifferent features. The neural model will then be enhanced to deal with the problem of sensor selection. Finally, we shall present how the neural networks can select features (as well as sensors) with a control on the level of redundancy in the set of selected features (sensors).
Biosketch: Nikhil R. Pal (www.isical.ac.in/~nikhil) is a Professor with the Electronics and Communication Sciences Unit of Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta. He has served as a Chair Professor of the National Chiao-Tung University, Taiwan, and a Visiting Professor of RIKEN Brain Science Institute, Japan and the University of West Florida, USA. He has given many plenary/keynote speeches in different premier international conferences in the area of computational intelligence.
He was the Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems for the period 2005- 2010. He has served/been serving on the editorial /advisory board/ steering committee of several journals including the International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, Applied Soft Computing, Neural Information Processing—Letters and Reviews, International Journal of Knowledge-Based Intelligent Engineering Systems, International Journal of Neural Systems, Fuzzy Sets and Systems ,International Journal of Intelligent Computing in Medical Sciences and Image Processing, Fuzzy Information and Engineering : An International Journal, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems and the IEEE Transactions Cybernetics.
He is a recipient of the Fuzzy Systems Pioneer Award, 2015 given by the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society (CIS). He is the President-Elect 2017 of the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society. He is a Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society (2010-2012, 2016-2018). He was the Vice President for Publications (2013-2016) of the IEEE CIS.
He is a Fellow of the National Academy of Sciences, India, Indian National Academy of Engineering, Indian National Science Academy, International Fuzzy Systems Association (IFSA), the World Academy of Sciences (FTWAS), and a Fellow of the IEEE, USA.