报告题目:Process Systems Engineering: Simulation and Analysis of Dynamic Systems in PSE Applications
报告人:Vassilios Vassiliadis (Cambridge University)
报告时间:2017年9月21日 上午8:00—12:00
Title: Process Systems Engineering: a subdiscipline within Chemical Engineering
Summary: This short presentation gives an overview of Process Systems Engineering, which is a subdiscipline within Chemical Engineering, and is concerned with the application of mathematical and computational methods and modelling in real-world applications.
Title: Optimization: Formulations, Algorithms and Applications
Summary: This is a broad overview lecture, covering many aspects of optimization problems, formulations and algorithms. It covers types of variables in optimization problems, different optimization problem formulations satisfying different requirements, and finally looks into the development of modern solution methods.
Title: Simulation and Analysis of Dynamic Systems in PSE Applications: From ODE's to DAE's
Summary: This is a general-purpose introductory lecture to the theory and solution of Differential-Algebraic Equations (DAE's), highlighting cases were they arise and how they are generalised from ODE problems. The lecture begins with familiar concepts from ODE theory and progresses to DAE's, their solution, analysis and usage.
Title: Design of new molecules: an Emerging Paradigm in Computer-Based Product Design
Summary: This lecture presents the application of Mixed-Integer Linear Programming (optimization) to the solution of an industrially relevant problem. It considers the design of new molecules that selected from alternatives to fit desirable physical and chemical properties.
报告人简介:Professor Vassilios Vassiliadis is the University Senior Lecturer (tenured) from Cambridge University, the curriculum under his teaching includes Process Dynamics and Control, Optimization, Process Synthesis, Engineering Mathematics. Received his Ph.D. degree from Imperial College of Science. He is the Founder and director of Cambridge Simulation Solutions LTD from 2014. He has published more than 70 articles in the journals of Computers and Chemical Engineering, Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, Applied Energy, etc.