报告题目:Vision Perception for Environmental Informatics
报 告 人:高永晟 教授(Griffith University, Australia)
报告时间:2018.01.24 上午10:00
Environmental informatics studies new knowledge, technologies and devices for automation in agriculture, early detection of pest and plant disease, automatic species identification and biosecurity, plant phenomics, better water resource management, land environment monitoring, costal environment monitoring, marine life surveillance, etc. In this talk, he will introduce some of their work on automation in agriculture, faster grading and packing, species and cultivar identification, pest and disease recognition at Environmental Informatics @Griffith, including recognition without detection (background), large image database retrieval (speed vs accuracy), and pose difference (viewing angle).
高永晟教授曾任澳大利亚国家重点研究院生物安全项目组负责人(2009-2012) 。现任澳大利亚国家自然科学基金专家委员会委员。主持多项澳大利亚国家研究项目,包括4项澳大利亚国家自然科学基金创新项目、2项澳大利亚国家自然科学基金工业联合项目、1项澳大利亚农林鱼业部项目。在重要科学刊物发表一系列的论文,包括“IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence” 、 “IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging” 、“IEEE Transactions on Image Processing”、“Pattern Recognition”、“IEEE Pervasive Computing” 、“IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics-Part A ”、“IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology”、“IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security”、“Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence”、“Neurocomputing ”、“Pattern Recognition Letters” 。此外,部分科研成果已形成两项产品,三项专利。