报告题目:Magnetic Nanomaterials-Based Mechanotranduction for Cancer Treatment
报 告 人:成昱副教授(同济大学医学院)
As important as chemicals and genes, researchers have realized that mechanical force plays a pivotal role in regulating cell fate. From a perspective of nanotechnology, magnetic nanomaterials are especially appealing and suitable for manipulating force generation due to unique physical properties which can be spatiotemporally controlled via magnetic field. As a newly developed paradigm, magneto-mechanical actuation has received great attention for its considerable capacity to physically destruct cancer cells. In this talk, I will demonstrate our recent work of using nanomagnets to induce cancer cell death under an ultra-low frequency magnetic field. These particles can oscillate and transduce energy from the applied field to the cancer cells. The apoptotic pathway was initiated through this physical actuation and majority of cells were damaged post treatment. In addition, the in vivo studies showed the nanomagnets could control the tumor growth and therefore prolong survival rate of the glioma bearing mice. Our study demonstrates an innovative approach of utilizing magnetic nanomaterials for mechanical destruction of cancer cells that holds the promise for clinical applications.
成昱,博士,教授, 博士生导师,2015年入选国家青年计划。现任同济大学医学院院长助理、同济大学附属东方医院纳米医学应用技术研究所执行所长、PI。2004年武汉大学化学与分子学院本科毕业,2011年在美国凯斯西储大学获博士学位,2011-2014年在美国芝加哥大学医学院脑肿瘤研究中心从事博士后研究。长期从事纳米材料与脑肿瘤、纳米材料与干细胞的研究。回国后主持国家、上海市等科研项目。研究成果在Advanced Materials、Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews 、Journal of American Chemical Society 、Small、Theranostics、Biomaterials等国际高水平杂志发表SCI论文30余篇。