报告题目:Synchronizability of multiplex networks
报 告 人:吴晓群 教授(武汉大学理学院)
Abstract: Synchronization phenomena are of broad interest across disciplines and increasingly of interest in a multiplex network setting. Starting from two-layer star networks, we discuss theoretically and numerically the impact of various interlayer connection patterns on the synchronizability of duplex networks. Then we present the optimal interlayer connection pattern for maximizing synchronizability of general two-layer networks. Finally, for the multiplex network of coupled Rössler oscillators, we show how the master stability function, a celebrated framework for analyzing synchronization on a single network, can be extended to certain classes of multiplex networks with different intralayer and interlayer coupling functions. We derive three master stability equations that determine, respectively, the necessary regions of complete synchronization, intralayer synchronization, and interlayer synchronization. We calculate these three regions explicitly for the case of a two-layer network of Rössler oscillators and show that the overlap of the regions determines the type of synchronization achieved. Furthermore, for any network structure, the occurrence of intralayer and interlayer synchronization depends mainly on the coupling functions of nodes within a layer and across layers, respectively. Our mathematical analysis requires that the intralayer and interlayer supra-Laplacians commute. But, we show this is only a sufficient, and not necessary, condition and that the results can be applied more generally.
简介:吴晓群,女, 湖北黄冈人,武汉大学数学与统计学院教授、博士生导师, 主要从事非线性系统的控制与同步及非线性动力学分析方面的研究。 共发表SCI期刊论文70篇,Web of Science总引用2051次, H指数25,单篇引用最高196次,12篇论文单引超过50次。近5年主要研究单层及多层复杂动力网络的同步、结构识别、优化控制、同步域分岔及疾病传播。先后主持国家自然科学基金5项及教育部博士点基金1项,获得过湖北省自然科学一等奖(排名3)、二等奖(排名4)及教育部自然科学一等奖(排名7)。2012年应邀在全国复杂网络大会上做大会报告,2013年入选武汉大学“珞珈青年学者”人才计划,2017年获批湖北省自然科学杰出青年基金项目, 同年获第十四届“中国青年女科学家奖”, 2018年获“武汉市三八红旗手标兵”称号。 现为IEEE Trans. Circ. Syst. II 的编辑。