报告题目:Divided State Feedback Control of Stochastic Systems
报 告 人:邓飞其 教授(华南理工大学)
摘要:In this talk, the divided state feedback control of stochastic systems is introduced. Firstly, the concepts of state extraction matrix and divided state feedback control are proposed. Secondly, a fine stability criterion is established for stochastic systems with dominating linear parts. Thirdly, the divided state feedback control of the delayed stochastic systems is investigated, the divided state feedback control law is designed and the corresponding stability criterion for the closed-loop system is established. Finally, divided fault tolerant control is investigated by way facing the cases with partial state information lost or delivered too late caused by the processes for sampling and signal transmission via networks. Two examples at the end of the paper are given to illustrate the usage and efficiency of the method proposed in the paper and the advantage of the divided state feedback control.
个人简介:Feiqi Deng was born in 1962. He received the Ph.D. degree in control theory and control engineering from South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, in June 1997. Since October 1999, he has been a professor with South China University of Technology and the director of the Systems Engineering Institute of the university. He is currently a member of Technical Committee on Control Theory (TCCT), Chinese Association of Automation, and now he is serving as the chairs of the IEEE CSS Guangzhou Chapter and IEEE SMC Guangzhou Chapter, a vice editor-in-chief of Journal of South China University of Technology, and a member of the editorial boards of the following journals: IEEE Access, Control Theory and Applications, All about Systems and Control, Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, and Journal of Systems Engineering, etc. His main research interests include stability, stabilization, and robust control theory of complex systems, including time-delay systems, nonlinear systems and stochastic systems. He has published over three hundreds of journal papers on IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Automatica, SIAM Journal of Control and Optimization, International Journal of Systems Science and Systems & Control Letters etc. E-mail: aufqdeng@scut.edu.cn.