报告题目:MMSE Run -to -Run Controller for Dynamic systems
报 告 人:曾胜沧 教授(台湾清华大学)
摘要: This study proposes a generalized quasi-minimum mean square error (qMMSE) controller for implementing a run-to-run process control where the process input-output relationship follows a general-order dynamical model with added noise. The expression of the process output, the long-term stability conditions and the optimal discount factor ofthis controllerare derived analytically. Furthermore,we use the second-order dynamical model to illustratethe effects of mis-identification of the process I-O model on the process total mean square error (TMSE). Via a comprehensive simulation study, the model demonstrates that the TMSE may inflate by more than 150% if a second-order dynamical model with moderately large carryover effects is wrongly identified as that of a first-order model. This means that the effects of mis-identification of the process I-O model on the process total mean square error (TMSE) is not negligible for implementing a dynamic RTR process control.
簡介:曾勝滄教授目前任職於國立清華大學統計學研究所。曾教授於1982年取得淡江大學管理科學博士後,先於國立臺灣科技大學工業管理技術系任教,1995年回母校國立清華大學統計學研究所服務至今,並於1998年至2000年擔任國立清華大學統計學研究所所長。他長期擔任Technometrics、IEEE Transactions on Reliability、Statistica Sinica 及Journal of Statistical Planning & Inference等統計主流期刊的副編輯 (AE) 工作。他的研究專長包括批次回饋控制、可靠度分析與品質管理與改善,並發表多篇學術論文於Technometrics, Journal of Quality Technology, Naval Research Logistics, Statistica Sinica, IIE Transactions, IEEE Transactions on Reliability 及Journal of Statistical Planning & Inference等國際重要統計期刊。除了學術研究外,曾教授與高科技產業有長期的合作關係,所處理的研究課題都是產業界所面臨到的重要問題,透過產學合作致力用統計方法提升臺灣高科技產業的競爭力。