Title: Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence-based Healthcare Systems: Real-world Use Cases, Challenges and Opportunities
Time:Nov. 18, 2022
Abstract: Pioneering multi-disciplinary research at Edinburgh Napier University is exploring the potential of trustworthy artificial intelligence (AI) technologies to engineer the smart healthcare systems of tomorrow. This talk will provide an introduction to trustworthy AI technologies and outline a number of practical use cases including future research directions and challenges.
Biography: Prof. Hussain received his B.E and Ph.D degrees, from the University of Strathclyde, U.K., in 1992 and 1997, respectively. He joined Edinburgh Napier University (ENU), in Scotland, UK, in 2018 as a Professor in the School of Computing.
Prof Hussain's research and innovation interests are cross-disciplinary and industry-led, aimed at developing and commercializing cognitive data science and responsible AI technologies to engineer the smart and secure healthcare and industrial systems of tomorrow.
He has authored three international patents and around 500 publications, including over 200 international journal papers, 20 Books/monographs and 100+ Book chapters.
He is founding Editor-in-Chief of two leading international journals: Cognitive Computation, and of the Springer Book Series on Socio-Affective Computing, and Cognitive Computation Trends.
He has been appointed invited Associate Editor/Editorial Board member for a number of journals, including: IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence, the IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, Information Fusion, AI Review, IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine, and the IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence.