Title: Distributed Consensus with Limited
Communication Data Rate.
Abstract: Communication data rate and energy constraints are important factors which have to be considered when investigating distributed coordination of multi-agent networks.Although manyproposed average-consensus protocols are available, a fundamental theoret-ic problem remains open, namely, how many bits of information are necessary for each pair of adjacent agents to exchange at each time step to ensure average consensus? In this talk,we consider average-consensus of undirected networks of discrete-time first-order agents un-der communication constraints. Each agent has a real-valued state but can only exchange symbolic data with its neighbours. A distributed protocol is proposed based on dynamic en-coding and decoding. It is proved that under the protocol designed, for a connected network,average-consensus can be achieved with an exponential convergence rate based on merely one bit information exchange between each pair of adjacent agents at each time step. An explicit form of the asymptotic convergence rate is given. It is shown that as the number of agents increases, the asymptotic convergence rate is related to the number of nodes, the number of quantization levels and the ratio of the algebraic connectivity to the spectral radius of the Laplacian of the communication graph. We also give a performance index to characterize the total communication energy to achieve average-consensus and show that the minimization of the communication energy leads to a trade-off between the convergence rate and the number of quantization levels. For the case with switching topology, we develop an adaptive scheme to select the numbers of quantization levels according to whether the associated channel is active or not. We prove that if the network is jointly connected, then under the protocol designed, average-consensus can be asymptotically achieved, and the convergence rate is quantified.Bio: Tao Li was born in Tianjin, China, in September, 1981. He received his Bachelor’s Degree in Automation from Nankai University, Tianjin, China, in 2004, and the Ph.D. degree in Systems Theory from Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science (AMSS), Chinese A-cademy of Sciences (CAS), Beijing, China, in 2009. From 2008 to 2011, he was with School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technology University, Singapore, as a Re-search Assistant and a Research Fellow, successively. From September 2010 to January 2011,he was a Visiting Fellow of Australian National University. Since July 2009, he has been a
faculty member of AMSS, CAS, where now he is an Assistant Professor. His current research
interests include stochastic systems, networked control, multi-agent systems and sensor net-works. He was mentioned as one of the five finalists for the Young Author Prize of the 17th
IFAC World Congress, 2008. He received the Special President Prize of Chinese Academy ofSciences in 2009, the Best Paper Award of the 7th Asian Control Conference with coauthors in2009, the 2009 Singapore Millennium Foundation Research Fellowship, and the 2010 Endeav-our Research Fellowship from Australian government. He is a member of the YouthInnovationPromotion Association, CAS. He is currently an editorial board member of Mathematical Problems in Engineering. Since 2010, he has been a program committee member of Chinese ControlConference