报告题目:Human-Machine Interface for Robotic Limb Embodiment
报告人:长谷川泰久(Yasuhisa Hasegawa)(日本名古屋大学微纳系统工程系教授)
In my talk, two kinds of topics for robotic limb embodiment will be introduced. One is embodiment of an additional robotic finger which is the six finger attached on a palm. The other is an interactive interface which is used to control an exoskeleton robot and to monitor the state of the exoskeleton robot as if it were a part of user’s body.
About the additional robotic finger, we designed a new robotic thumb as an example of an embodiment target which is registered into a user’s body schema. An actual thumb of right hand controls the additional robotic finger attached on a palm of left hand. The user gradually develops a temporal illusion that the actual right thumb moves to a palm of the left hand through some task execution. After a long-term experiment, a slow and fast dynamics in change of the body representation was found in the experiment.
We are challenging a new interface to control the exoskeleton robot. Healthy parts of body such as hands become alternative means to operate the assistive device since a bioelectric signal such as EMG is missing at the lower limb of the paraplegic patient. Under the terms of this paralysis, a feedback from the robot through the alternative path is very important for the user to control the assistive robot without visual confirmation. I introduce the present progressive work in which an electric stimulation is used for alternative feedback of the deep sensation.
长谷川泰久,日本名古屋大学微纳系统工程系教授,1996年于名古屋大学获得博士学位,现任IEEE RAS(机器人与自动化协会)管理委员会委员。他是Springer旗下的国际机器人期刊ROBOMECH Journal的主编,曾多次担任世界上最有影响的机器人国际会议(如IEEE ICRA、IEEE IROS等)的程序主席、组委会委员等。发表学术论文300余篇,Google Scholar引用 2000余次,分别于2005年、2007年获日本模糊与智能信息学会青年科学家奖和杰出贡献奖。长谷川教授在筑波大学任教期间,参与研制了日本最著名的外骨骼助力机器人——HAL系列机器人;他还将名古屋大学发明的世界上首台智能拐杖机器人多次改进,目前已在日本长寿研进行示范应用。长谷川研究室在生物、医疗、福祉机器人相关研究方面具有深厚的研究基础,目前他领导的小组已研发出多款行走援助机器人样机、可用于残疾人的人-机交互接口装置等,多次获得日本文部科学省及其他部门项目资助。