报告题目:Sustainable Transport Infrastructure: Life Cycle Perspective
报 告 人:黄丽珍 副教授(挪威科技大学)
As transport is one of important part of global warming and local environment, how can we achieve low carbon mobility, especially for those area with mountains and cold climate such as Norway? To do so, we need to revisiting our transport infrastructure development with life cycle perspective. This presentation will introduce some practice and research in Norway on Sustainable transport infrastructure.
Dr. Lizhen Huang is an associate professor of Department of Manufacturing and Civil Engineering at Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway. Her current research interests include smart sustainable built environment, sustainable assessment, building and construction materials. She has published over 20 papers in international journals in last 5 years. And she is the member of Standard Norge Experts team, ISO/CEN standards Experts team as well as the NTNU sustainability board, she serves as several international journals’ reviewer.